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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Do not use Ctrl+C while using IE - It is Very dangerous

Many of us frequently use Ctrl+c (I.e., clipboard) to copy passwords and other important information, so it will save us from retyping it again and again. ( Mostly computer professionals use this Cut ( or Copy ) and paste method to reduce retyping the code again and again). But Don’t do this while browsing internet. Are you willing to see how easy to steal infomation from you clip board? Then follow these steps.
1. Hightlight any text (for example text in your web browser, notepad or Word etc.) and press Ctrl+c.
2. Now click on the following link to see he copied text.
Hope you understand now how much easy it is to steal data from your clipboard. This is all possible with one line of code that can be written using Java script and ASP ( or PHP and CGI). The code is
var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");
Now you understand the problem, but you will be thinking how to prevent this,,. am I right? See the procedure how to solve this problem. ( courtsey above website)
1. go to Tools -> internet option -> security in intenet explorer
2. Click on the custom level security setting and uncheck the option " Allow Paste Operations via Script.”
Note : This has been tested on windows XP using Internet explorer. This will not work if I use Firefox browser & and also in Linux. So please spread Firefox and browse internet safely.

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